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Baraboo Police Do-it-Yourself Theft Report

This report should be completed by victims/responsible parties in cases where the theft is under $50.00 and the suspect/s have departed. In cases where the theft is either ongoing or the suspect is currently in the immediate vicinity; 911 should be called. After you complete this document and click on the "submit" icon, your report will automatically be sent to the Baraboo Police Department for assignment to an investigator. It is imperative your report be as clear and concise as possible and contain all necessary information. Be sure to attach any necessary photo's, etc. If further investigation is required for investigation you will be contacted.

Date of Theft

Date Picker

Full Name of Reporter

Full Address

Upload Picture(s); video or other related Information here. (250mb limit) If picture(s) or video is larger they can be dropped off at the Baraboo Police Department.

Click Here to Upload

I hereby declare I gave permission to no one to: (check applicable box)

I certify by my signature below that this statement of non-consent is true and correct and it is my intent that the person or persons responsible be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and I have been advised of my rights as a crime victim per ss.950.08

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